More than a Band of Metal

More than a Band of Metal
Product Code: MTABOM-1
Availability: 97
Price: $15.00
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Compiled and edited by the P.O.W. NETWORK

Forward by Ambassador of Patriotism, Mike Radford

Endorsed by Professor Emeritus Henry Mark Holzer and Erika Holzer, 
authors of Aid and Comfort; Jane Fonda in North Vietnam and Fake Warriors

[176]pp. $15.00/$23.00 Canada (6 x 9) soft-cover
Letters, 50 photographs, notes, reference lists, index
ISBN  0-9723585-0-1  Copyrighted and published Oct 2002

Three decades later, millions of Americans still wonder what happened to the Vietnam Prisoner of War whose name was on the metal POW bracelet they wore. Did he come home yet? Did his family ever find out what really happened to him? They still have these metal bands tucked away in jewelry boxes as a special part of life never to be forgotten. The meaning never lost to them, the bracelet never thrown away.

This book, more than A Band of Metal, contains Loveletters from the bracelet wearers to the families of the men still missing. They were selected from thousands of letters received by the P.O.W. NETWORK, an Internet-based organization that compiles and disseminates information on prisoners of war, helping to keep the battle to "bring them all home" alive. These letters reflect the generation’s very personal and heartfelt concern for "their" soldier, sailor, airman or Marine. Share in the joy, pain, wonder and loving memories as strangers reveal their thoughts about the men they never met and what wearing the bracelet has meant to them. Share also in a behind-the-scenes look at one of the largest grass-roots movements ever, the Americans who have fought bravely here at home to gain the release of those held captive during the Vietnam War.

more than A Band of Metal shares actual letters, POW/MIA details, and photos from Homecoming. In addition, valuable reference sections give statistics for POW/MIAs from all wars, lists all the men that survived captivity and made it home, and records the list of remains that have been returned since the end of combat in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

Find out how you too, can write a Loveletter and learn more about the man behind the P.O.W. bracelet you wore. Find out IF he came home, or if he remains, "unaccounted for" after three decades. A book that will be handed down to the next generation, more than A Band of Metal leaves an imprint on the soul few will forget.

The P.O.W. NETWORK is a not-for-profit, 501 (c)(3) educational organization founded in 1989.





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